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Address:No. 15, Hehe Road, Shiling Town, Huadu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China

EU food contact material testing

Pubdate:2023-07-24 15:28

It is of great significance for Chinese enterprises to understand the safety management mode, laws and regulations related to food contact materials in the EU, and strengthen the quality control of food contact materials.

Service background

At present, food safety problems caused by the presence of harmful substances in food contact materials occur frequently. Proper terms such as "plasticizer, bisphenol A, heavy metals" have repeatedly appeared in the public eye. When paying attention to food safety, food contact materials Security issues are increasingly being paid attention to by all sectors of society.

Food contact materials have dual meanings for food safety: first, compliant materials can protect food from pollution from the external environment, and keep the moisture, composition, quality and other characteristics of the food itself unchanged; second, the chemical properties of the material itself The ingredients may migrate into the food, and when the migration exceeds a certain amount, it will affect the hygiene and safety of the food in contact with it.

Does your product meet EU food contact material requirements? If you have not yet understood the EU testing requirements for food contact materials, or want to know more about this, or have not obtained a test report, please feel free to consult us, STL will try our best to serve you.

Service content

1. Applicable product range
Food Contact Materials (FCM).
2. Conventional samples require
finished products, and the required quantity depends on the shape, size and specific testing requirements of the product. For details, please consult STL online customer service .
3. Reference Standards for Food Contact Materials (including but not limited to)
1. (EU) No 10/2011 Food Contact Plastics and Articles;
2. 84/500/EEC Food Contact Ceramics;
3. 1895/2005/EC Epoxy Resins BADGE, BFDGE and their derivatives in coatings;
4. 93/11/EEC Nitrosamines in rubber;
5. AP(2004)1 Food contact organic coatings;
6. AP(2004)4 Food contact rubber;
7 . AP(2004)5 Food Contact Silicone;
8. CM/Res(2013)9 Food Contact Metals and Alloys (EDQM Technical Guidelines).
4. Test standards
Different items correspond to different test standards, such as EN 1186, EN 13130, EN 1388, etc.

24 hours service:+86-13533384002



Address:No. 15, Hehe Road, Shiling Town, Huadu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China

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